18 Months in Manchester

We moved to the United Kingdom on September 8th, 2022. So many of you, our family and friends, have support us in your prayers and giving. We want to give you an update on what our work has looked like as we ended 2023 and began 2024.

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Micah Wood
Uriah the Hittite

Today marks 142 days since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th. With genocidal hatred, Hamas inflicted the deadliest attack against the Jews in a single day since the Holocaust. In this face of this evil, what should our posture be?

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Micah Wood
Missional Living: An Incremental Journey

Delana and I have been living in Manchester, UK, for almost 14 months. Each step of this journey has required greater trust in God than we have ever known. And that process of total reliance upon Him doesn’t seem to be decreasing. Instead, it’s only increasing more and more.

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Micah Wood
Israel Reading List

Delana and I recently posted a two part podcast that surveys Israeli history from early Zionism to the modern state. Below, I’ve listed further reading for those who would like to dig deeper into Israel’s story. The list includes a mixture of history, theology, and literature. This is by no means exhaustive, and some may think I’ve left key works out. I admit that I probably have, but at least this will give you some starting points as you consider further study. I hope you enjoy.

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Micah Wood
Short-Term War. Long-Term Consequences.

I don’t know when this war in Israel will end. I do know that its consequences aren’t going away any time soon. Like the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, this war is creating a new reality in the Middle East. As I prayerfully consider this moment and wonder where God is, I continue to get this sense: God the strategist is among us.

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Micah Wood
Israel at War: What Do We Do?

On the morning of October 7th, the terrorist organization, Hamas, staged a deadly surprise attack against Israel. They launched rockets into Israel and simultaneously infiltrated the border, murdering and kidnapping. According to the Jerusalem Post, at the time I’m writing this, Hamas has launched over 5,100 rockets. Over 800 Israelis are dead. Over 2,600 are injured. Over 150 are kidnapped. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, succinctly described the situation, saying, “We are at war.”

In the wake of such violence, what should we Christians do?

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Micah Wood
Do We Know What God Said?

I often hear this verse quoted in church: “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen . . .” (2 Cor. 1:20). Not only do I hear fellow Christians quote it, but I myself do as well. It’s a verse that inspires us to hope for the best and believe for the right outcomes. However, though we often quote it, I’m not sure if we’ve really digested the verse’s central claim.

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Micah Wood
Unprovoked Desire

There are many lessons life gifts to us by way of age and experience. The journey of the believer, if we allow it, far surpasses the experience of the unbeliever in its ability to completely and utterly transform the life of the individual into something beyond mere mortality with her fleeting boasts. This pilgrimage is a mixed cup of crushing and suffering, illumination, and transcendence. The Creator’s commitment to His creation is one of perplexing beauty.

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Delana Wood
How to Pray for Israel

Many Christians are aware that we have a responsibility to pray for Israel. However, I’ve found that at times those prayers come out awkwardly and with little confidence. It’s as though Christians aren’t exactly sure how to pray or what words to use. I can identify with this awkwardness.

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Micah Wood
Israel in Four Dimensions

In January 2023, I co-led a trip to Israel. When I arrived back in Manchester, I debriefed with our leadership team and told them that it was very successful. Someone responded by asking me what differentiated a successful Israel trip from an unsuccessful one. As I’ve reflected on that question, I’ve realized that the answer offers insight into the church’s relationship with Israel and how we need to think critically about it moving forward.

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Micah Wood
Five Months in Manchester

Delana and I have now been in Manchester, UK, for just over five months. So many of you have supported us through prayer and giving, and we want to give you an update on what life has looked like since moving to Manchester. It has been a multifaceted season, and it would be difficult to capture everything in one post, so we’ll just hit the highlights.

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Micah Wood
Resting Place

When God looks upon the earth, He desires to find a resting place for His glory to dwell. This idea is prominent throughout scripture, and a dream I had last year brought it to the forefront of my mind.

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Micah Wood
Strengthen the Churches

I had a dream. I was in a meeting with a handful of vibrant young adults. They had just graduated from either high school or college. They not only had a sense of possibility as their lives lay before them, but they also had a sense of responsibility.

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Micah Wood
Precious in His Sight

Last year, I was preparing for a midweek service at Ramp Church. As I was planning the details, I paused and asked the Lord if there was anything specific He wanted to say concerning the offering that night. I immediately heard in my spirit, “Do not despise what is precious to Me.”

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Micah Wood