Micah and Delana’s move to Manchester has been multifaceted.

In one sense, Manchester is the beginning of a global assignment. In 2019, God enlarged Micah and Delana’s paradigm to think in terms of nations. Micah received a prophetic word, “God is going to give you a global groan . . . .” That groan began as a seed in prayer, and by 2021, the seed was breaking through the soil. Thus, Manchester is the first step of acclimation to an international context.

In another sense, Manchester represents not just a global assignment broadly, but an Israel assignment specifically. In 2017, God began to knit Micah and Delana’s heart to Israel. God spoke to them that Manchester would prepare them for whatever that assignment looks like. Therefore, Manchester continues to be a season of preparation through prayerful strategy development.

Manchester does not just represent a personal story, though. It is a part of a larger story God is writing for the city. There is a convergence in Manchester of different ministries and leaders who feel a deep burden for the city, the United Kingdom, and the whole of Europe. This includes the Ramp, which launched a location there in 2017. Therefore, Micah and Delana’s time in Manchester includes investment and participation in a larger, prophetic storyline for the city.

Undergirding each facet of this story is a clear call Micah and Delana sense as Levites and watchmen. Levites minister to the Lord through prayer and worship, creating an atmosphere in which to host His presence. Watchmen cultivate prophetic sensitivity and a heart of intercession within the context of friendship with God. Thus, as they live in Manchester, the Levite and watchman mandate lives with them, contending for the presence of God and the purposes of God.

To summarize, Micah and Delana embrace four elements to their experience in Manchester:

1. Acclimation to an international context as they steward a groan for the nations

2. Strategy development for Israel, staying active in the Land through Micah’s work with Eagles’ Wings

3. Serving their local church body through the Ramp’s location in Manchester

4. Serving the international body of Christ throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and United States through itinerant ministry and content creation